A non-invasive technique to assess liver stiffness and fat content using ultrasound-based technology.
- Fast for 3 hours before procedure
- Wear comfortable clothing
- No special preparation needed
- Continue regular medications
- Inform of any medical conditions
- Lying on back with right arm raised
- Application of gel to skin
- Placement of probe on right side
- Multiple measurements taken
- Real-time results available
- Resume normal activities immediately
- No special aftercare needed
- Follow up appointment if required
- Continue regular medications
- Report any unusual symptoms
Potential Risks
- No significant risks
- Mild discomfort during procedure
- Results may be affected by recent food intake
- May be less accurate in obese patients
- Some conditions may affect accuracy
Immediate return to normal activities possible with no recovery period needed.
Ready to Schedule Your Procedure?
Our team is here to help you through every step of the process. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Arjun Maria to discuss your specific needs and concerns.